Diary of a Sprocker by Jake Wilson - Age 3

Saturday 26th July 2014 - In the original Sprockish

Hi Sprockets Jake here, well on todays ball frow Hoodaddy got up extra early so it was cool, what he didnt know was when its cold it takes longer to run the deafies out of me earzies. We had a chat and I explains I has to run to get them out. I think he got it whens laters I round up young puppy who was copping a deafun to his hoomummy and brung him to Hoodads feet.

The puppies Hoomum was well pleased. Hoodad said he was proud of me and I is a good boy . Proud must be fabbo for Hoodaddy as we had so much ball frow one of em dishintigrate ir somefink like that. I hopes proud means I get one of the spicey snausages he got out of the BRRRR box in the kitchen. The piccie is me puffed out in Hardy Park, bet i get ball frow sunday too.

Sprock on Puppies Love Jake


sprocker diary

27th July 2014